If you're a paddleboarding enthusiast and a dog lover, why not combine the two and take your furry friend along for some water adventures? Paddleboarding with your dog can be a fantastic way to bond, exercise, and enjoy the outdoors together. To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, follow these tips for introducing your dog to the paddle board and mastering the art of paddling with your canine companion.


Before embarking on your paddleboarding journey with your dog, there are a few things you'll need and steps to take to ensure a smooth experience.

What You Will Need:

  1. The Right Board: Choose a wider and longer paddle board that offers better stability, especially when accommodating the weight of both you and your dog. Look for boards that are at least ten feet long and 32 inches wide, as they provide optimal stability for paddleboarding with a dog.

  2. Good Surface Grip: Ensure that your paddle board has a deck pad with sufficient grip to prevent your dog's paws from slipping. A full deck pad or an extended deck pad is ideal. If your board doesn't have adequate grip, you can consider using old yoga mats or bath mats with suction cups as alternatives.

  3. PFD (Pooch Flotation Device): Even if your dog is a good swimmer, it's a good idea to invest in a properly fitting life jacket for added safety. The life jacket will help your dog stay afloat and orientated if they jump off the paddle board.

  4. Canine Companion: Don't forget your dog! They are the star of this adventure, after all.

Introducing Your Dog to the Board:

  1. Teach Basic Commands: Before heading out on the water, ensure your dog has mastered basic obedience commands like "sit" and "stay." These commands will be helpful during the paddleboarding experience.

  2. Master Your Paddle Boarding Skills: Before bringing your dog on board, become comfortable and confident in your own paddleboarding skills. Practice standing up, paddling, turning, falling, and getting back on the board. When you're confident, it will be easier to handle the added challenge of having your dog on board.

  3. Familiarize Your Dog with the Board: Introduce your dog to the paddle board on solid ground. Allow them to sniff and explore the board at their own pace in a familiar and comfortable environment.

  4. Use Treats for Positive Association: Place treats on and around the board to encourage your dog to walk on it. Reward them with treats for their bravery and positive interaction with the board. Take it slow and ensure your dog associates the board with a fun and positive experience.

  5. Dry Run with Life Jacket: Once your dog is comfortable with the board, introduce them to wearing a life jacket. Repeat the process of getting them on the board, this time with the life jacket on, to acclimate them to the sensation. This will help them feel more at ease when you're on the water.

  6. Practice Commands for Getting Off: Teach your dog a specific command for getting off the board. Reward them when they successfully follow the command and disembark from the board. This will help ensure that they only jump off when commanded and not at random times.

  7. Reward Good Behavior: Continually reward your dog for their good behavior throughout the training process. Positive reinforcement will help them associate the paddleboarding experience with positive outcomes.


Before setting off on your paddleboarding adventure, take some additional steps to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for both you and your dog.

  1. Ensure Your Dog Can Swim: Before taking your dog on the water, ensure they are comfortable and confident swimmers. If necessary, provide opportunities for them to swim and become familiar with the water.

  2. Trim Sharp Nails: Keep your dog's nails short and dull to minimize the risk of scratching the paddle board's finish or damaging the deck pad.

  3. Bring Treats: Carry treats with you to reward your dog for good behavior during the paddleboarding session. Treats can be used to reinforce positive behavior and encourage your dog to stay calm and focused.

  4. Tire Out Energetic Dogs: Engage in physical activities like playing fetch or swimming with your dog before getting on the paddle board. This will help tire them out, making it easier for them to stay calm and balanced during the paddleboarding session.


Now that you've prepared and familiarized your dog with the paddle board, it's time to hit the water together. Follow these steps to ensure a safe and enjoyable paddleboarding experience with your furry companion:

  1. Have Your Dog Stay on Shore: Before getting on the board, wave, laugh, and show your dog that being on the board is fun and not something to be afraid of.

  2. Allow Your Dog to Get on the Board: In shallow water, hold the board still and allow your dog to get on. Walk the board through the shallow water and let your dog jump off if they wish.

  3. Start Paddling on Your Knees: Begin paddling on your knees for better balance. This will help both you and your dog get accustomed to the motion of the board.

  4. Stand Up with Your Dog: