Paddling While pregnant

When you're pregnant or planning to conceive, finding a safe and enjoyable activity can be a challenge. However, paddleboarding can be a suitable option that offers relaxation and minimal strain on your body. To ensure your safety while paddleboarding during pregnancy, here are 21 tips to keep in mind:

  1. Choose calm weather conditions: Stick to paddleboarding in calm waters, especially during the second and third trimesters, to minimize the risk of falling or encountering unpredictable waves.

  2. Wear a leash: Always wear a leash to keep your paddleboard close to you in case of a fall or loss of balance.

  3. Be aware of currents: Familiarize yourself with the currents of the area you're paddleboarding in and avoid strong currents that can strain your body or cause drifting issues.

  4. Opt for shallow water: Paddle in shallow water where you can easily touch the bottom for added safety and stability, but be cautious not to go too shallow to avoid hitting the bottom or rocks.

  5. Avoid boat traffic: Stay away from areas with heavy boat traffic to minimize the risk of collision or being knocked over by waves created by passing boats.

  6. Wear a properly fitted life vest: Despite the discomfort, wearing a life vest is crucial for flotation and safety in case of an unexpected fall or separation from your board.

  7. Consider taking a class: Enroll in a beginner's class to refresh your paddleboarding skills, learn safety techniques, and receive guidance on adapting to paddleboarding while pregnant.

  8. Use a wetsuit for temperature regulation: Even in warm weather, wear a wetsuit to protect yourself from temperature shocks caused by cold water, which can harm your baby. Choose a wetsuit suitable for your changing body.

  9. Take it slow: Start at a comfortable pace and gradually increase your speed to determine your optimal paddling speed without overexerting yourself.

  10. Practice your balance: As your center of gravity shifts during pregnancy, practicing balance on a paddleboard becomes crucial. Practice getting on and off the board on uneven surfaces and shallow water.

  11. Be cautious of falls: Minimize the risk of falls by being aware of your surroundings, kicking the board away from your body during a fall, and avoiding hard surfaces or rocks.

  12. Paddle with a partner: It's advisable to paddle with a partner, especially in the later stages of pregnancy, for assistance in case of falls, exhaustion, or retrieving your board.

  13. Keep it simple: Stick to basic paddleboarding trips and avoid trying advanced techniques or unfamiliar areas to minimize the chances of accidents or complications.

  14. Apply sunscreen: Protect your sensitive skin from the sun's harmful rays by applying sunscreen regularly, as pregnancy can make your skin more susceptible to sunburn.

  15. Consider a bigger board: As your pregnancy progresses, consider using a larger or different type of paddleboard that provides more stability and accommodates your changing weight and balance.

  16. Know your limits: Pay attention to your body's signals and listen to your limits. Rest when needed, communicate your needs to your paddle partner, and prioritize your health and safety.

  17. Carry a whistle: Keep a whistle within reach, either on your body or paddleboard, to alert others and call for help in case of emergencies or when visibility is low.

  18. Stay hydrated: Bring plenty of water to stay hydrated during your paddleboarding sessions. Recognize the signs of dehydration and take breaks when necessary.

  19. Stay calm and avoid panic: If unexpected situations arise, try to stay calm and avoid panicking, as stress and panic can have adverse effects on both you and your baby. Take a moment to relax and assess the situation.

  20. Be prepared: Create a checklist of essential items to bring with you, plan your route or designated area, and inform someone of your paddleboarding plans as an extra safety measure.

  21. Enjoy yourself: Remember to savor the experience and find joy in paddleboarding while pregnant. Stay mindful of safety measures, but also appreciate the relaxing and rejuvenating aspects of the activity.

By following these tips, you can enjoy paddleboarding while pregnant, promote relaxation, and prioritize your well-being and the well-being of your baby.